Car Insurance

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Changing Auto-Insurance Policies What is Car insurance? Is it a legitimate way to protect your self from the hazards on the road, or is it a complete rip-off? Being a teenager in 2002, I believe it is a complete rip-off. Auto Insurance policies these days are extremely unfair, and bias. The chaos ALL insurance companies cause in the lives of teenagers must be changed. When shopping for car insurance, one must realize how much gibberish to …

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…relieved of up to a four point removal off your driving license. If you got a ticket you think you did not deserve, this is a quick way to eliminate the points that follow the ticket you received. Lastly, it only costs around fifty dollars, which saves you hundreds in months to come. The only catch behind this is you are only allowed to take the class once every three years. SO MAKE IT COUNT!