Capital punishment

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The death penalty has been around for thousands of years. Punishment by death which was common among all ancient civilizations was made a public spectacle. Crowds would gather to observe executions by boiling in oil, flaying alive, stoning, or impaling. In the 1700s, England had over two hundred offenses that could have been punishable by death. However, since the 1800s most death sentences have been a result of a conviction of murder. The United States …

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…the bottom line. Contrary to popular belief the cost of executing one convicted felon is much greater than the cost of keeping that same person in jail for life without parole. There are alternate forms of punishment. Executing a person does not make the crime that person committed right it simply lowers society to the level of the convicted felon, which is not where society needs to be if it is trying to deter crime.