Capital Punishment: For

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Capital Punishment: For Have you been wondering where all our tax dollars are going to these days? A large amount of it is going towards maintaining murderers, rapists and thieves, and for what reason, to live the good life? The average prisoner costs the federal government one hundred and fifty dollars a day which amounts to fifty- three thousand four hundred dollars a year. Now, ask yourself this question, Is it worth all this money …

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…the streets freely after having a relaxed visit at the local penitentiary. They end up costing the tax payer an unimaginable amount of money so that they can live in a sheltered jail while having hearty meals and access to pay-TV and other commodities. All of this is simply unnecessary for the solution is capital punishment and as long as it is put off, the longer all of these and other things will go on.