Caffeine Dependence

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The stimulant properties and dependence potential of caffeine in soda are well documented, as are their effects on children. Ever tried going without your usual cup of java on the weekend? If so, you may have experienced a splitting headache, a slight rise in blood pressure, irritability and maybe even some stomach problems. These well-documented symptoms describe the typical withdrawal process suffered by about half of regular caffeine consumers who go without their usual dose. …

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…Logic dictates that when you are dependent on a drug, you are really upsetting the normal balances of neurochemistry in the brain. The fact that kids have withdrawal signs and symptoms when the caffeine is stopped is a good indication that something has been profoundly disturbed in the brain. Exactly where that leads is anybody's guess -- which is to say there is little good research on the effects of caffeine on kids' developing brains.