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Essay Database > Literature > English
Introduction Ubiquitous Computing can be thought of as the idea of invisible computers everywhere. Specifically, it is the idea that computers are embedded in the environment, with literally dozens or hundreds of computers available to each person, and each computer performing its tasks without requiring human awareness or a large amout of human intervention. If the mainframe represents the era of "many people, one computer", and the PC is the era of "one person, one …

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…into account. It won't be possible to use Java for ubiquitous computing until one of two things happen: Either the programming interface is frozen in place ! (which, given the history of computers, is very unlikely), or some kind of system is established where a programming interface can be carried along by the program that uses it. No doubt, this will be an important part of ubiquitous computing research as it grows in importance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**