Bush's Welfare Reform Bill

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Essay Database > Law & Government
A welfare reform bill proposed by President Bush, which was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate Finance Committee, is a positive step in the fight against poverty. In the past couple of years, welfare reform has resurfaced after a former law passed in 1996 expired in October of 2001. (Cooper) President Bush proposed a bill last year in hopes of creating a stable welfare system to replace the expired law. On Feb. 13, 2003 …

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…the new system. (Peterson) Even though the new welfare system costs a lot of money the WORK act should help many people in the long run. Overall, the WORK act of 2002 should have a positive impact upon the futures of welfare recipients by helping them overcome their financial difficulties. Furthermore, the act should deter more people from abusing the welfare system and swindling the government out of millions in order to satisfy their own needs.