Bush and the Medicare Dilemma.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Since the introduction of Medicare in 1965, millions of seniors and people with disabilities have enjoyed health care security. However, as successful as the Medicare program has been, it is still unable to keep up with decades of improvement in the health care field. Today, Medicare provides health care coverage for 40 million Americans and is expected to reach 70 million by 2031 (Medicare+...2003). With the price of health care rising and the Baby boom generation nearing the age …

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…future. The Presidents plan builds on the strengths of the current system, while guaranteeing that all Medicare recipients receive prescription drug benefits. Seniors have waited to long for a modernized Medicare with prescription drug benefits. It is time for both parties to work together and pass legislation that insures the stability of Medicare in the future. Medicare is the nations way of helping their most vulnerable citizens and a commitment that America must always keep.