Bush: Soldier or Terrorist?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Bush: Soldier or terrorist? Many say that our president George Walker Bush, son of wealthy ex- president George Bush, has made no mistakes. They say that he handled the 9-11 crisis the way any good president should have. That if we hadn't gone to Iraq and defeated a non- exsistent threat, we would all be under a cruel, abusive, Iraqi dictatorship. But let's take a look at our so called perfect president's past. He was …

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…promised more jobs and a better economy. Since he was inaugurated into presidency, he has lost more than 3 million jobs in America. That alone turned America's rock hard economy into pudding. These are only the mistakes the CIA let us know about. There could be many more that he will keep to himself. So when you go into those voting booths, think back on the past four years before you vote for George W. Bush.