Bombing of Iraq

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Essay Database > History
The Bombing of Iraq The bombing by The United States and Great Britan on February 16, 2001 of five antiaircraft sites in Iraq was deep rooted in events of the past. The current most direct reason for the bombing was the defense of British and U.S. planes that were endangered by the antiaircraft guns operated by Iraq. The Persion Gulf conflict more then ten years ago is the main event that allowed this bombing to happen. …

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…effect of what has happened in the past. From Hitler to Stalin and everyother dictator that effects the way Saddam Hussein and the world reacts to current topics. More recentlly the Persian Gulf conflict and the fact that Saddam is still in power will cause future conflicts and fuel the conflicts that are going on now. Without the facts that have happened in history the world would be a much different place and very unknown.