Body and Dance

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Christy Adair's Women and Dance addressed the subject of the influences of society on bodily behavior through dualism, 'the natural,' 'the essential self,' and 'the feminine.' Claiming that institutions such as the family and education have illustrated such influences, Adair said that these social constraints have limited the body in its potential. Physical education has also lost perceived value as people are sent contradictory messages of the importance of the body and …

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…for more than has been formerly expected of them. Adair claimed that expression in dance and its constraints could tell an audience a lot about the perceived notions of a particular culture. As society and times change, the body's movement will reflect the extent of the freedom of expression in a culture. Dancers' bodies, without the restrictions of society's expectations, will gain new potential in allowing expression without the influence of gender roles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**