Blade Runner - The Director's Cut... Is the setting of Blade Runner credible? Are there any elements of society today evident of the futuristic setting of 2019?

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Blade Runner - The Director's Cut opens by welcoming us into the possible future of earth. Set in the theoretical era of 2019, the film shocks viewers with its representation of humanities decaying social and technological structure. To me, the film is an entirely unconvincing portrayal of the future, which is partly influenced by viewing it in today's context, and partly influenced by the genre of science fiction movies in general: that is sci-fi films generally …

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…more accurate way. In short, Blade Runner - The Director's Cut portrays the setting of the future as seen by the producers. I find it over the top, and definitely not a credible view of the future that will be seen in 15 years. It is however not my place to say what the future will present to us, and so I shall conclude that Blade Runner may well show similar aspects of the near future.