Blade Runner (MOVIE) starring Harrison Ford

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The plot of the movie "Blade Runner" becomes unrevealed till the end of the movie. Many assumptions about the plot and the final of the movie appear in the spectator's mind, but not one of these assumptions lasts long. Numerous deceptions in the plot grip the interest of the audience and contribute for the continuing interest to the movie eighteen years after its creation. The main character in the movie is Deckard- the Blade Runner. …

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…among the common people. Deckard, Rachael and the four replicants are white people. All other people are Asian. Every one of these deceptions in the plot and the causes derived from them contributes to the interest of the plot and the effect on the audience's imagination and interpretation of the movie. Each of the deception has brought different interpretation of the movie and has kept the interest of the audience for more than eighteen years.