Black Holes.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Have you ever been watching Star Treck on T.V. and heard them mention something about black holes? Well, do you know what a black hole is? A black hole is so dense and has a gravity so strong, that they have an escape velocity, or the point in the black hole where objects can no longer return to space, of 299,792,458 meters per second. They can be as tiny as the point of a pin …

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…of the remains of supernova explosions. If a black holes was to form near enough to the planet Earth, it would begin to suck all the nearby objects into its event horizon and once it got massive enough it could even suck Earth into a hole the seize of a pin point and could destroy all human life. Obviously, that hasn't happened yet. And let's pray that it doesn't happen anytime in the near future.