Black Holes

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
BLACK HOLES A black hole is the most powerful, most mysterious phenomenon in the universe. The gravity within a black hole is so intense that not even light, can get away from its force. A black hole is so dense that 100 million suns would be compressed to a globe 6 million kilometers in diameter. Our sun is only 1,390,000 kilometers in diameter. It is even theorized that there is a massive black hole at the center of …

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…hole. Encountering a singularity is not something you want to do, I can assume. In a static black hole, once inside the event horizon, that's it end of your life. However, should you survive the trip between the outer event horizon and the inner one of a charged black hole, you could in theory turn around and leave the black hole back and return to your own universe, or you could go into another universe.