Biological Warfare: Main Weapon Of Terrorist

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Biological Warfare: Main weapon of terrorist Thesis: Biological warfare should be stopped because of its bad effects on people, countries & environment Introduction: Biological Warfare is the weapon used mainly by terrorists. It is the number one weapon in spreading terrorism. It is the most dangerous of all terrorist weapons. I. Defenition and Historical Background II. Production A. Producers of the weapon B. Types and kinds III. Effects A. Environment B. Humans IV. Agents A. Modern …

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…missile warheads, aircraft and submarines spray systems, and even a type of shrapnel-tiny poison darts that are released bursting artillery shell. The most recent development-the binary, or two-part, artillery shell- is designed to improve the safe handling and storage of toxic agents. It holds two relatively nontoxic intermediate forms of a nerve agent in separate compartments. When fired, the components are mixed within the shell, and toxic nerve gas is released when the shell explodes.