Biography of Dawn Fraser.

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Dawn Fraser was born into a poor family on the 4th of September 1937; she was the youngest of eight children, three brothers and four sisters. She lived in a house in Balmain, Australia. Dawn was a very sick child, and had chronic asthma and other chest diseases, it got to such a stage that her parents thought that she had , a deadly illness that attacks your chest. Fortunately, she found a miracle cure, the local …

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…were lifted, the Emperor gave her a flag as a gift. These days Dawn still competes, but only in the Masters games, which were held in Melbourne in 2002. You still try a lot of things for instance, she?s been a coach, a cheese shop owner, a pub owner, an inspirational speaker, a celebrity and a member of parliament. Dawn Lorraine Fraser was one of the world's greatest female swimmers, and will never be forgotten.