Binge Drinking

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Essay Database > Literature > English
One of the most serious problems in today's youth is drinking. Amoung high school and college students a popular and very dangerous kind of drinking. Binge drinking can cause serious injury and many college and high school kids are dying from it. Binge drinking is indentified as the number one health hazard for American college students today. For men binge is defined as having five or more drinks in a row. For women, binge is …

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…result in bad situations. Sexual encounters with pregnancy, STD's, HIV exposure, rape, and violence can occur more often while students are consuming large amounts of alcohol by binge drinking. Binge drinking also influences athletic performance, poor grades, sexual assault, fights, accidents, drunk driving are vomiting, dizziness, impaired metal capabilities, and hangover. Some of these may be short term consequences to binge drinking, but can change your life in so many ways in just one night.