Binge Drinking

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Binge Drinking Binge drinking has become a large dilemma at college campuses. The problem has not declined in the past four years. Even though an increase in drunkenness, drinking to get drunk, and alcohol-related problems have occurred, trying to minimize drinking at college is useless. Drunkenness at colleges has increased a large amount over the past few years. Some colleges want to minimize this problem along with other alcohol-related problems by developing new policies. Some …

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…and educating them will not lessen their want to experience this feeling. Going to college is a new experience for all students. Drinking is part of the experience for many. Harsher punishments and more education will not reduce the fact that people will go out and get drunk. The only way to reduce this problem is to hope that eventually students will get tired of drinking and hangovers and discontinue participating in it all together.