Bing Drinking

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Essay Database > Literature > English
What is the most popular form of entertainment for high school and college students? Binge drinking has become the most popular activity for high school and college students because of the availability of alcohol, the affordable prices, constant advertising and lack of parental guidance. Binge drinking for men can be described as having five or more alcoholic beverages in a row. For women, binge drinking is having four or more alcoholic beverages in a row. …

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…are binge drinkers where only 39% of women binge drink. Adults and youth use alcohol for many reasons such as to relax and unwind. Finding productive ways to relax and to enjoy yourself would release the constant reliance on alcohol for some individuals. The problem with trying to control binge drinking is that society accepts drinking as a tradition. With the help and support of all Americans, we can help binge drinkers to control their habit.