Big Brother(australia- 2002)

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Essay Database > Literature
Jenna: In Land of Big Brother Big Brother has been a truly momentous production and has changed the lives of the housemates, the production staff and views. Over a period of 85 days the Big Brother house has been home to a total of 14 housemates one of them Jemma, 12 chickens, 2 dogs, one real and the other electronic, 25 cameras and 23 microphones capturing every move. Jemma herself is of course very excited about it, saying she has had …

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…team of the show "Search for a Supermodel" Already signed with lingerie company Hey Sista in a five-figure deal, Jemma is going from strength to strength with today's announcement that she will be back on Channel 10. Jemma will join the presenting team of the show "Search for a Supermodel" as an on-the-ground reporter. Jemma said," It's very 'me', I'll be like a 'Big Sister' to the girls, helping them through the weeks that lie ahead".