Beatles Music: Songs of the Co

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Beatles Music: Songs of the Counterculture The 1960's are thought of by many to be the most eventful and changing decade in the history of America. In this time period there was much excitement as well as turmoil in America caused by many factors, including the charismatic leadership of John F. Kennedy, black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. protesting for civil rights and Malcolm X preaching black superiority and violence, Indians protesting, women petitioning …

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…a gap between musicians like Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley to many of the performers at Woodstock like Jimi Hendrix and Carlos Santana. None of these groups would have been the same or prospered as well if it was not for the Beatles, who came in a time when America truly called for them. The songs and actions of the Beatles changed the world and specifically fueled the counterculture of the 1960's, effecting history forever.