Baroque Literature

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Essay Database > History
The Black Death Greatly Improved the European Society Throughout history, many unforgettable events have affected the literature of the time: wars, revolutions, industrialization, and disease. Although many critics very quickly point out the changes in literature that the industrial revolution caused, not many of those critics are willing to dig any deeper into the past. However, the fourteenth century contained changes in literature that were just as dramatic. The repeated outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague …

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…values of the audience of medieval literature. The Bubonic Plagues spurred a craving for something more, or better out of life. It led them to a renewed spiritual level, and higher standards of morals and values. This new hunger was eventually reached during the Renaissance era, which aided in benefiting culture and society of Europe drastically. Europe still remains one of the larges countries in the world, surviving, and even benefiting through the Black Death.