Baroque Era

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Essay #1 Humanism symbolizes an intellectual movement that begun in Verona. Humanist had faith in and emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual. That faith turned into the rediscovery of culture of classical antiquity, which contains elements of literature, history, rhetoric, ethics, and politics. A basic premise of humanism is that people are rational beings who possess within themselves the capacity for truth and goodness. This Renaissance revival of Greek and Roman studies emphasized the …

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…overriding importance for the cultured person. Or in visual arts, where revival of the classical forms originally developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and an intensified concern with secular life, an interest in humanism and assertion of the importance of the individual. Or in music, which was viewed as enriching the physical world and where music was more simple. Humanism was the foundation that set the boundary and way of life for the Renaissance.