Baroque Arts and 3 Examples

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Baroque Art emerged in Europe around 1600, as a reaction against the intricate and formulaic Mannerist style which dominated the Late Renaissance. Baroque Art is less complex, more realistic and more emotionally affecting than Mannerism. This movement was encouraged by the Catholic Church, the most important patron of the arts at that time, as a return to tradition and spirituality. Baroque is a style in which painters, sculptors, and architects rummaged emotion, movement, and variety in …

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…the wall; this could possibly be influenced by Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride, where the reflection of the background in a curved mirror attempts to show past the foreground of the painting. Influenced by Caravaggio's tenebrism, Velazquez defined his style through this painting by use of grays to come between the lights and darks. Velazquez thought of light and tone as the substance of painting; solid forms become suggested and not constructed.