Baroque Art

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
12/10/99 World Cultures Baroque Art Essay During the Baroque period, new ideas and views of society and of religion spurred up. To express these new ideas many artists used the ideas of past artists to further expand their own motives. " If I have seen further (than you and Descartes), it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1676 The artists of the baroque period were using past ideals as a ladder to the …

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…tings. The Baroque period illustrated the respect and the love for classical art forms as well as other past forms. It was a melting pot of classical and baroque ideas that further expanded the arts and ideas of the world. Using past ideas along with current original ideas can make a new art form. The Baroque period was the epitome of this ideal and showed it very well with its excellent architecture, paintings, and sculptures.