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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was born in 1714 in Weimar. He was a German composer, one of the most influential and celebrated composers of his era. He was the third son of Johann Sebastian Bach and he trained under his father. He studied philosophy and law at the universities in Leipzig and Frankfurt. He then decided that he would rather pursue a musical career instead of a career in philosophy or law. From 1740 to 1768 he was …

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…movement but never forgot his father's instruction. "For composition and keyboard playing, I have never had any teacher other than my father," he once wrote. Carl Philipp Emanuel moved to Hamburg in 1768 to serve as director of music for the city. His book 'Versuch uber die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen' (Essay on the True Art of Piano Playing), published in 1753, became an important influence on later generations. He died in Hamburg on Dec. 14, 1788.