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Essay Database > History
Automobile Soon after automobiles were mass-produced early in the 20th century, they began to change styles of living. The automobile is still causing changes. Easy access by passenger car or by truck helps to determine where people build homes, buy food, seek recreation, and locate businesses. The term automotive means "self-propelling." It generally refers to passenger cars, trucks, buses, and tractors. The words automobile, motorcar, and car may include any conveyance in the general range …

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…unit. The body of a truck includes the structure that carries the cargo. Passenger car bodies usually are stamped out of sheets of metal. They are shaped and punched to accommodate the elements that make up the car. The first automobiles were called horseless carriages because they resembled horse-drawn vehicles. Gradually cars were styled for greater comfort and convenience. In order to provide a more pleasing appearance and to reduce wind resistance, streamlining was introduced.