Attacks on America: Symbolism

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Essay Database > History
The attacks made on America symbolize the vulnerability of life itself and the never-ending battle between war and peace. The primary targets of Tuesday's terrorist plane attacks were two of the world's largest office buildings and nerve centers for national defense, commerce, and communication. While few Americans would consider either the World Trade Center towers or the Pentagon as national icons on the order of the Washington Monument, the buildings are high-profile edifices that have …

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…people responsible for this great catastrophe upon the United States is justifiable. In addition to affecting our great nation immensely, this unfortunate act may symbolize the beginning of World War III. The people in the world are watching history in the making throughout this calamity. Many stories will be told about that day on September 11, 2001; however, the attacks made on America symbolize the vulnerability of life itself and the never-ending battle between war and peace.