Athletes and eating disorders.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The Price of Winning; Athletes and Eating Disorders Everyone has seen that gymnast vaulting to great heights or brilliant floor routine that demonstrates their strength and flexibility. Or the elegant and slim figure skater who glides across the ice to music impressing us with their speed, height of their jumps and their graceful spins. And the beautiful and thin ballerina who seems to capture an audience as she dances across a stage. Many athletes are …

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…of a sport and training while someone is suffering from an eating disorder is very difficult. It is not a good idea for any individual who is underweight to engage in high levels of exercising or physical activity (Clark 10). Athletes are always looking to improve their bodies and this could lead to an eating disorder. But is succeeding worth it, with all the risks involved, is dying prematurely an answer to the weight loss issues?