Assess the sustainability of China's energy usage using examples...

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
China relied heavily on coal during the mid-1990s due to the large deposits of coal that made up nearly 1/5 of the worlds total. South of the Yangtze River production is lower than other parts, but not as little as in the mountainous western areas of China. The abundance of coal led to industry, transport and homes burning coal in one form or the other. As a result many cities experienced severe atmospheric pollution, and …

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…more projects like the 3 gorges dam are likely to be even more environmentally friendly in the long run than all other types of energy production as eventually these sources will run out and the only other alternative would be HEP, wind and other sustainable means. Notes: This short essay is useful if you need facts and examples, or just evidence of China's advancement. All facts are useable though some may have changed but not significantly...