Assese the Military and Social Roles of Centurions in Roman Society during the Early Empire.

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Essay Database > History
Under the principate the career of a centurion played an important role in military, and social aspects of Roman society. The centurions formed the backbone of the Roman army and provided a limited avenue of social mobility. According to modern scholars L. Keppie and R. Alston, the centurionate were the highest positions an ordinary soldier can aspire. Epigraphic evidence also suggests that ambitious equestrians used the centurionate as a stepping-stone to imperial service; some centurions …

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…to various sources the role of a centurion under the principate involved both military and social. Militarily they were the professional soldiers who were relied upon to carry out orders and look after the men. Socially they provided a limited means for ordinary men to gain status and were the starting points of the careers of ambitious equestrians. They were respected by soldiers and seen by equestrians as a method to gain status and power.