Artist Run Spaces

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
This assignment was very reliant on the idea of group interaction, causing many people to form trusting relationships with people they had never met before. There was always the question of, will the other group members get their part of the assignment finished? A group is always thought of as just a number of people together, but in this case it had to be so much more. It required organization, research, as well as keeping …

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…an idea of the artist's way of "seeing". As a person devoted to visual arts, it was also very intriguing to here about the various events that are held at "A Space" such as auctions, which sell pages from sketchbooks that various artist have donated in order to raise funds to keep the artist-run space afloat. Artist-run spaces are a big part of the art world today, and should definitely not go unnoticed, and under-appreciated.