Armenian Genocide

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Essay Database > History
What Does Genocide Mean? The era of mass murder might be given as a name for the 20th century. Never in the history of the world have so many millions of people been deliberately killed since 1900. These millions weren't all because of war. They were victims of genocide: the deliberate killings of racial, religious, ethnic, or political groups. The word genocide is from the Greek genos, meaning"race", or "tribe", and the Latin cide, meaning "…

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…either their race, ethnic, or religion had been killed purposely. From the Jewish Holocaust to the all other genocides. Yet, there is also a reason why this happened. Maybe it was because it was a lesson to show us how easily we are capable of doing such atrocities as this. These past genocides also show us how important it is to be at peace with one another. Without this peace look what it all caused.