Aristotle Intellectual Happiness

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
According to Aristotle, everything that we pursue or aim at is good. Some of the goods we pursue are activities (e.g. dancing) and some are products of activities (e.g. a good grade on an Aristotle paper). There is only one good that Aristotle thinks is pursued entirely for itself, and not for the sake of anything else. That good, according to Aristotle, is eudaimonia, which usually translates to "happiness." Aristotle rejects pleasure, honor, …

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…soul is the Appetitive--moral virtue, which is either rational or irrational. Aristotle believes we share this part of the soul with animals since animals also have desires. The final part of the soul is the Calculative, which Aristotle believes, is responsible for the human ability to contemplate, reason logically, and formulate scientific principles. Aristotle believed that the mastery of these abilities is called intellectual virtue. When reason is in control we have reached intellectual happiness.