Aristotle on happiness

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Aristotle on Happiness Happiness has different meanings to different people. The rich believe prosperity is the ultimate stage of happiness, the materialistic person thinks it is the amount of possessions, the ruler thinks it is political power, and the artist may think it his fame that makes him happy. Some people even believe there is no such thing as happiness. Almost everyone tries to reach the goal of happiness but not many succeed. The richest …

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…adolescent stage, they are just starting to get a little more understanding about moral values and social relationships. At this phase, they are still unclear about the right moral behavior concerning justice, honesty, self-control, and adapting to community standards. Children and adolescent do not really choose activities, they are guided by parents. Aristotle has mapped out for us what a happy life should look like and explained to us the function of a human being.