Aristotle on Happiness

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Aristotle on Happiness Aristotle believes that happiness rests within an absolutely final and self-sufficient end. The reasoning behind this theory is that every man is striving for some end, and every action he does must be due to this desire to reach this final end. He believes that in order for a man to be happy, he must live an active life of virtue, for this will in turn bring him closer to the final …

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…happiness being the central goal of all men may be why some argue that happiness is something divinely bestowed upon a person. Since happiness is such a hard position to reach, and in order to reach this position one must act in a virtuous manner over and over again, it could be reasonably thought that a gift of such an incredible magnitude could be a god-given gift to those who deem themselves worthy of it.