Araby and Sunrise on the Veld

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Two Short Stories Of Awareness Beyond Oneself: "Araby" And "A Sunrise On The Veld" "Araby" by James Joyce and "A Sunrise On The Veld" by Doris Lessing are both short stories in which the protagonists gained a consciousness that was beyond themselves. The main characters are both initiated into new realities and truths of which they were not previously aware. Both short stories will be examined with reflections according to the type of initiation that …

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…the newness of the early morning and the death of the buck; it stood out in contrast. In the short stories, through all components, confrontations and experiences both characters were brought out of themselves for a brief period and then forever saw the world in a different and more realistic way. They became more aware of the collective nature of existence, and of how their own lives were affected by outside influences, beyond their control.