Apple Vacations Vs. Thomas Cook

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
As the travel industry consists of numerous sectors and divisions, companies within the industry vary greatly in their activities and the segments of the market they are involved in. Two of these companies, namely Apple Vacations and Thomas Cook AG, are both leaders in their respective fields. Apple Vacations, a Pennsylvania corporation opened in 1969, is a major vacation tour operator to Mexico, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Bahamas, Bermuda, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean, with offices in …

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…truly analyze the two companies, we can appreciate the great similarity between them. Both have become trusted and highly respected in their markets, as well as being among the best-known names in them. Thus, we can infer that both companies have the same presence and effect in their comparative markets, it being tour operation in the U.S. for Apple Vacations and the world for Thomas Cook AG. Sources: