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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Anorexia In today's society, we often hear of people who suffer daily from illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, downs syndrome and many other types of illnesses both communicable and non-communicable. What about the illness that consumes the life of over eight million Americans, 90 percent being women? Anorexia nervosa, in medicine, is a condition characterized my intense fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, as well as a distorted body image. This can …

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…to the American College of Sports Medicine, as many as 62% of females competing in appearance sports (like figure skating and gymnastics) and endurance sports suffer from an eating disorder. Anorexia is a very serious disorder and can be fatal if not treated. Even getting over your anorexia does not mean you are immune from getting the physical and mental problems that accompany it. Please get help if you or someone you know has this disorder.