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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
An eating disorder is a way of using food to work out emotional problems. These illnesses develop because of emotional and/or psychological problems. Eating disorders are the way some people deal with stress. In today's media and society, teenagers are pressured into thinking that being thin is the same thing as being happy and beautiful. The two most common eating disorders include anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a disease in which women …

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…show that the average American woman's body weight has increased over the past thirty years, yet the models that represent American women have become increasingly thinner. The media's portrayal of happy, successful women being extremely thin makes a huge impact on women's perception of beauty. When girls begin to compare themselves to the famous and thin women they see on television, or in magazines, they equate thinness with beauty, and many strive to become beautiful.