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Essay Database > Literature > English
Anorexia As Americans all know anorexia is a serious mental problem taking over our nation today. Anorexia is an eating disorder caused by self starvation. Although anorexia is not just a problem concerning food or weight, it substituting food and weight to deal with the real psychological and emotional problems such as a death in the family, personal reasons, stress and so on. Many cases of Anorexia typically come from the white, middle to upper …

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…This is why I believe we need to get rid of these types of products in order to stop cases of anorexia. The problem begins early, and if we would just learn to get rid of all the judgments made on and by others, then we could accept ourselves more willingly. I understand that the society is not ready for this as a whole, but there is really no other solution to this complex problem.