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Essay Database > Literature > English
Anorexia Living in a society in which many young girls strive to resemble the waif models that are plastered on the cover of magazines, many have suffered an on going battle with eating disorders. Anorexia means lack of appetite for food, although this is not the case with many anorexics, they are hungry, however, they learn to control their hunger pangs (Landau). Anorexia, a life-threatening eating disorder, is centered on self-starvation and has many detrimental …

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…compulsive rituals of her daily life to gain the control she feels she has lost. The effects of anorexia are not only damaging to her health but her character as well; she learns to disassociate herself from reality, which isolates her from any previous relationships that were developed prior to the onset of her eating disorder. Anorexics are little girls trying to satisfy all of the people in their lives, while disregarding their own happiness.