Annotated Bibliography on how children are affected when their parents divorce

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Divorce: How are the Children Affected? Amato, Paul R. "Life-Span Adjustment of Children to Their Parents' Divorce." The Future of Children. 1994. information_show.htm?doc_id=75582. The general differences among children from divorced and intact families are small. How a child reacts to their parents divorce is an indicator on whether or not the child will experience the typical problems of the offspring of divorced parents. How a child will …

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…the research collected does show siblings of divorced parents have a higher rate of themselves getting divorced than siblings of parents who have never divorced. Siblings of divorced parents also typically do not reach as high of an education as siblings of non-divorced parents. Another study will be conducted to determine if biological factors have to do with these findings. From this source I learned siblings are affected the same way by their parents' divorce.