Anna Larina: Stalinist Terror and Her Ability to Survive.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Stalin's terror inflicted fear and pain onto any one who opposed him or presented a threat toward his policies. Geoffrey Hosking's The First Socialist Society is an excellent resource that takes an in depth look into Stalinist terror. His reign was enforced through a series of deadly acts. His dishonesty and violent modes of action lead him to solidify his grip on Soviet politics. A good look at how his terrorist actions affected individual people …

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…to achieve his complete take over. His policies affected many people but Larina's; This I Cannot Forget is a descriptive example of how some coped with such an awful experience. Larina was exposed like so many others to the atrocities of Stalin's purges. Even though she lost all she had, She never lost her will to live. Her bravery and courage with imprisonment allowed her to outlive the man who imprisoned her to begin with.