Anna Karanina

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
L.E.A.P. Journal for Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy A. Section covered: Part 1 and 2 (pages 17-245) B. Summary: This story first starts out with chaos in the Oblonsky’s household. Prince Stephen Oblonsky's wife Dolly found out that he was having an affair with their children’s French governess and threatened to move out of the house and take the kids with her. Stephen Oblonsky does not feel bad for having an affair. …

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…stature of these people does not seem to mean quite as much sometimes. Just like how it was here with the president and all the scandals that happened. I find this story interesting to read. I did not quite catch on about all the things at first. It seemed a little boring. Now I want to find out what is going to happen to all the people and how everything is going to turn out.