Anna Akhmatova: A True Poet

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
A great poet is much more than a lyrist or a verse writer, a great poet is a person of deep imaginitive and expressive capabilities with a special sensitivity to the world around them. Anna Akhmatova is a great poet. Even more specifically, Anna Akhmatova is a great poet of Russia. In the late 19th Century, Russia's Tsarist autocracy was under siege. Oppositional political parties were formed, in violation of the law. One of these …

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…of Russian society. Akhmatova's life spanned the time between the pre-Revolutionary and post-Stalin eras of Russian history. Despite terrible persecution and censorship by the State, her poetry gave voice to the Russian people when times of massive upheaval were prevalent in Russian society. She did so with verse that is original and memberable, a way that made a distinct impact. Akhmatova outlived her oppressers, and her life has become an symbol of truth and dignitiy.