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Essay Database > Literature > English
When the word animation is used, the first thing that comes to peoples minds are Bugs Bunny, Scooby Doo, or Micky Mouse. There is more to the field of animation than that. I will discuss two different styles of animation - Graphics and Cartoons. The first style is computer graphic animation. Most people have heard or seen the movie "The Matrix." The majority of that movie is based on computer graphics. Actually, that film would …

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…in order, and then sent out onto tape. Hopefully now the ability to understand what all is behind the making of animation is quite simple. It is not exactly the easiest thing in the world to do. However, a lot of videos would not be possible if not the the making of animation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Works Cited: Animation. April 2, 2001. A. Miller. "The Making of animation." c. 1999. "The Matrix." Warner Bros. Films. 1999.