Animal testing

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Anderson 1 A Look at Animal Testing They're Pinky and the Brain, They're Pinky and the Brain, One is a genius; the other's insane, they're laboratory mice, Their genes have been spliced, They're Pinky, They're Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain (NBC). This is the theme song to a popular cartoon dealing with experiments carried out on animals. In the cartoon one mouse is made very smart and wants to take over the world …

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…They have a right to live, and to exist without the constant pain and fear caused by human experimentation. Mankind will continue to haunted until each persons humanity awakens to the fact it is wrong to cause animals harm for our own selfish benefits. We must realize that the way we treat animals is morally wrong and we must stop our parsimonious ways of animal injustice before it is too late to make a change.