Animal Testing

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Please Read This Warning Before You Use This Essay for Anything (It Might Save Your Life) Animal Testing Using animals for testing is wrong and should be banned. They have rights just as we do. Twenty-four hours a day humans are using defenseless animals for cruel and most often useless tests. The animals have no way of fighting back. This is why there should be new laws to protect them. These legislations also need to …

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…Introduction II. Supporting evidence on testing A. Experiments funded by US government 1. Strontium 90 2. Irradiation by X-rays 3. Methoxychlor B. Background on laws in US C. Examples of tests 1. The Drazie Test 2. The LD-50 Test D. What the animals go through 1. Trip to the laboratory 2. Their stay at the lab 3. After the tests are done III. Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Essay Data Section Word Count: 1769 Title: Animal Testing Type: Student Submitted || Return To The Student Essay Directory || Word Count: 1732