Animal Rights

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Do all animals have the same rights as humans? Some but not all, animal rights activists believe animals have inherent legal and moral rights, just as humans do. According to this viewpoint it is unethical to use animals for any purpose, whether for pets, research, recreation, clothing, or as food (Press 17). Animal use in testing is a huge controversial issue. Some believe animals have the same rights as humans and should for no reason be …

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…much to learn on many of the leading disease killers of today such as cancer, atherosclerosis, debates, and other conditions such as strokes, arthritis, and other mental disorders (Press 6). Most Americans except the use of animals in experimentation. Although they might not agree with all the testing that may occur with cosmetics and household cleaners most agree that when it comes to finding cures and vaccines it is important to use them to do research.